Death Has Occurred
Select Where and How the Death Occured?

At Home
PROCESS EXPLAINED – When someone died at home, the first calls must be made to an ambulance service as well as the SAPS. Those people must come out of the house to sign a declaration of death as well as the saps 180 form. The reason for them to do that is because the ambulance services must make sure that the person has passed away and the police must sign a document to say that there was no sign of any injury, suicide or murder.
DOCUMENTS TO OBTAIN – Deceased ID or passport or birth certificate together with the doctor’s number who will be liable for the death certificate.
At a Hospital
PROCESS EXPLAINED – When someone passes away in a hospital, the family will be called by the nurse and then the family can decide to go and say their last goodbyes at the hospital. The family will also have the opportunity to ask the hospital nurse to phone a preferred funeral undertaker to come and remove the body from the hospital ward.
DOCUMENTS TO OBTAIN – The family does not need to do anything when a loved one passes away in a hospital, clinic or hospice. The funeral undertaker will remove the body from the hospital and after they obtain the Notification of Death document from the doctor who treated the patient, the family will be called for an appointment at the funeral parlor to do the funeral arrangements.
Public Area
WHAT IS CLASSIFIED AS A PUBLIC AREA – a Public area is anywhere outside a residence or home or hospital or clinic or hospice. It may be a park or a Shopping Centre. A Train or taxi or any public transport vehicle. Any place that is publicly aloud can be seen as a public space.
When someone is expected or appears to be dead in a public area, the SAPS, Law enforcement or ambulance can be contacted. They will take charge of the scene.DOCUMENTS TO OBTAIN - No documentation needs to be given to anyone at that stage. If the police officer asks you for a contact number or ID document, you can give it to that officer after you obtain his name, his force number and his contact number.
Accidental Death
PROCESS EXPLAINED – At any accident scene, the SAPS or law enforcement or ambulance services needs to be called. They will take all the necessary details of the next of kin or family members and then they will take over. In that case, the Forensic Pathology Services will remove the body to the state mortuary for a post mortem to be done.
DOCUMENTS TO OBTAIN – Make sure that you get in contact with the person in charge of the accident scene because he or she needs to give you a case number as well as a contact number of the police station, the state mortuary as well as the investigation officer.
PROCESS EXPLAINED – When a suicide takes place, the SAPS or Law enforcement needs to be contacted immediately. Again, you need to get in contact of the person in charge on the suicide scene because he or she needs to give you a case number as well as a contact number of the police station, the state mortuary as well as the investigation officer.
DOCUMENTS TO OBTAIN – No documentation needs to be given to anyone at that stage. If the police officer asks you for a contact number or ID document, you can give it to that officer after you obtain his name, his force number and his contact number.